Online Casino… To Continue Or not to continue

Guess it’s time for evaluation once again… have been coming in and out of this casino stuff for quite some time already… guess it’s time to evaluate the pros and cons of it.

No matter how much I tell myself to be disciplined, I always endup deviating from the bets and it seems like it actually strains the body to anticipate the wins or losses in that few seconds… think I had more or less enough of this kinda mental torment? Ill rather spend my time playing games, reading books and having fun?

Even though I might be able to get $20/hour or even more, guess I am sacrificing quite a lot of stuff, which includes playing games, watching TV, having fun, going out with friends? Moreover, such a form of investment can only stay this small. It’s impossible for me to start playing with thousands from online casinos but it’s possible with things like horse racing and forex. No doubt there might be people profiting from it, probably this form of money-making opportunity does not suit me at all.

There’s one more online casino with the money inside and difficult to be withdrawn, should I just try it for the one last time?… Since there’s problem in withdrawing the last amount from Roxy, might as well follow the system 100% and make the most out of it. When in doubt, just quit!!

~ by antinomian on January 29, 2007.

2 Responses to “Online Casino… To Continue Or not to continue”

  1. The final decision is to continue… I will be sticking to just 2 casinos for the time being, TP at €10, SL at €20, continue until I probably hit around €100-200 then I shall continue from there… always remember that this is just a supplement to my income, not something that can replace hard work!

  2. There is much to learn, but with all the appropriate details, you will find yourself prosperous.

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